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First Christian Church (7.3-7.5)

After leaving our adventure in Chicago, we went back to Indiana to Kendallville. We got there in time to have some time to relax and hang out with the youth group at the house of a family from the church. We stayed in host homes again and I was with Chase. We then spent the next morning (the 4th) cleaning up three different areas of the town, one of which was the teen hang out place called the Wreck. It was actually a pretty awesome place. Then we went and did a program at a huge park and spent the afternoon walking around talking to people about Jesus. Then we went to go see fireworks! We also led worship at FCC the next morning.


During the Fourth of July party at the park, I spent a couple hours talking to another guy my age. He had a lot of questions, and God provided a lot of answers through me. God planted seeds of the Gospel in him that day.

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