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Daily Hour With God

Every day on tour, all the students separated to various corners of wherever they were at and spent a half hour to an hour in the Scriptures and praying and working on their personal relationship with God. This is a habit that I have continued beyond Operation Barnabas and has become a central part of my walk with Christ.


I kept a journal of prayers that I wrote to God, that I still keep today. I would write out my heart in prayer and at times, this alone time with God was when the most learning would happen, not out in the field. I also had a devotional book that they gave each of us to do every day as part of our hour. It had a scripture reading, a little paragraph to help explain or apply the passage to our world today and then questions for us to answer about the reading. One of the things that our leaders stressed the most was never to take anyone's word about God above what Scripture says. Not every interpretation of the Word of God is true, so we had to not simply listen to other people interpret it for us but pray and let God reveal His word to us ourselves so that we would know the truth for ourselves and our faith would not be based on what man says, but what God says.

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